10 ways PEMF can help YOU

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Are you an everyday person looking to improve your health?

Here are 10 ways PEMF can help you, short and sweet.

You ready?


1.     Enhanced blood flow

By improving Nitric Oxide production, dilating blood vessels and reducing blood viscosity (stickiness), PEMF is a winner for blood flow.


2.     Improved energy production

By improving cellular voltage, improving oxygen and nutrient uptake into the cell and increasing mitochondrial ATP production, don’t be surprised if you feel more energetic when you start using PEMF therapy.


3.     Deeper, more restorative sleep

By balancing the autonomic nervous system and improving ATP production, PEMFs can help you get asleep quicker (onset), stay asleep longer (maintenance) and have a deeper sleep.


4.     Reduced chronic inflammation

By improving circulation, restoring cellular transmembrane potential, improving oxygen utilisation and inducing apoptosis of chronic inflammatory cells, PEMFs may be just what you need to reduce your inflammation.


5.     Better exercise performance and recovery

On the performance side you’ve got more ATP production, enhanced muscle contractions (from improved cellular voltage), improved tissue oxygenation, stronger bones and better circulation.


For recovery, your PEMF device can improve ligament, bone, muscle, tendon, joint and nerve regeneration, speed up lactic acid removal, improve deep sleep and nervous system function and so much more.


We go in depth into PEMF for athletes here (LINK to article)


6.     Improves stress tolerance

By activating the parasympathetic nervous system, as well as improving clearance of stress hormones, PEMF therapy could help with stress and mood disturbances.  Plus, who doesn’t love an extra 10 minute lie down?


7.     Reduces pain

By reducing edema (increasing lymph drainage and circulation), improving cell signalling for apoptotic cells, improving cellular energy production and regenerating many tissues, it’s no wonder many are turning toward PEMF as part of their pain management strategy.


8.     May improve cognition

The brain can be a bit of an energy hog, using around 25% of your body’s energy despite being around 2% of your weight.  By improving circulation, ATP production, detoxification, oxygen utilisation and more, PEMF may give you the boost you’re after.


9.     Faster injury recovery

Repairing an injury is quite an energy and nutrient intensive task for the body.

PEMF has been shown in many studies to speed up injury recovery in both humans and animals.


10.  Stronger bones

PEMFs were initially approved by the FDA for healing non-union fractures.  By stimulating osteoclast (resorbing old bone) and osteoblast (building new bone) cell function, PEMFs can give you the densest bones on the block!


After writing this I’m inspired to hop right on my PEMF mat.