My experience with Liver Flukes

This post will detail my experience with liver flukes over the years and what I’m doing right now to be done with them for good.

Let’s get straight to it!


Liver Flukes, what are they and what do they do?

Liver flukes (Fasciola hepatica) are a type of parasitic infection that targets the (you guessed it) liver, gallbladder and bile duct..  As the liver is the biggest and one of the most important organs of the body, it’s understandable that this will have a huge effect on the body.


After a few rounds of purging I noticed;

  • My digestion had improved substantially

  • I had more energy

  • My liver was smaller (ie less inflamed)

  • a significant reduction in dairy intolerance

  • a reduction in body fat and puffiness around the gut


How did I know I had liver flukes?

To the best of my knowledge, I can’t pinpoint exactly when I became infected, though the most likely culprit is a bad bout of food poisoning in Thailand, but in hindsight, saw my first glimpse of them in my stool in 2018 when I was having what I thought was a gallbladder attack.  In 2019 I started working to improve bile flow and nervous system health for a separate reason and began to expel these flukes daily for a few months. 


I kept at my bile protocol until the flukes stopped coming out and then went for a 5 day cycle of Myrrh around the full moon with the intention of continuing it for the new and full moons until they were eradicated. 


That cycle was quite hard for me to handle and turned me off Myrrh for quite some time.  I broke out in cold sores, saw the beginning of a few warts, felt absolutely horrible, headachy and fatigued.  I realise that part of why this scared me so much is I was worried I’d be incapacitated and have to rely on others to help me, a big insecurity and fear of mine.


Since then I’ve had the occasional flukes pass in my stool, but never in a large way like they had been in 2019.  However, that all changed in September 2020, when the flood gates opened again (quite a visual I know) and I began to have multiple bowel movements with flukes every single day.  How? This time I used a combination of apples and taurine (weird combination, I know, but it has done me very well).  After the first month I thought they’d have to slow down soon, I didn’t see how I could have any more space in my torso for these flukes.  After another month I realised they were breeding much quicker than I could get rid of them.


Enter the woowoo

So, I decided to look beyond just the physical, what was the lesson/metaphor/spiritual significance behind these flukes?  Was there anything energetically that was causing these to manifest into my life?


@depthsofhealth , a wise woman, brought to my attention that these flukes are literally eating away at my liver and perhaps there is something internal eating away at me.  Considering that the liver is tied to the anger emotion I sat with this and realise I (still) have a lot of repressed anger, from years of spiritual bypassing, telling myself that ‘I don’t get angry’.  During these realisations I was also having energetic clearing sessions around these flukes and after a while felt I’d largely dealt with both of these aspects.  Yet the flukes remained.  I wasn’t FULLY addressing the physical side of things!  Sure the apple and taurine combo were helping to push them out, but was doing nothing to actually kill off the flukes and their eggs!


After chatting to many friends about this I realise I’ve been talking myself out of doing the cycles of Myrrh for fear that I’ll go through quite a bit of discomfort, both physically and emotionally.  My clever ego was able to justify me not using Myrrh with some solid-sounding arguments.

‘You’ll get sick again ’

‘You’ll need people to look after you *’

‘You’re not strong enough to handle this yet’

and many more

* This pushes against some insecurities/fears of mine regarding feeling worthless if I can’t rely on myself and needing to ask for help from others

And while there is certainly justification to all those points, I kept telling people it was the thing I needed to do most, that these Flukes were my current biggest roadblock to the physical health I am seeking to achieve.


After sitting with this, I realised that is was actually resistance I was experiencing.  The part of me that doesn’t want to change is holding on for dear life, using all the justifications it can to not let go, to keep things as they are, to prevent me from taking the next step on my growth journey.


Where am I now?

I write this 2 days into a Myrrh cycle.  I’m much healthier than the first time I did a cycle and am handling it much better, but not without consequence.  My energy and mood have dropped off a bit, I’m experiencing some liver issues and the subsequent referred pain into my upper and mid back, the occasional bout of brain fog and an intensification of sciatic issues and hip pain.


I’ve got quite a few tools in my arsenal to help me through this time, including;


Looking long term

The liver and gallbladder are my big target areas to heal, thankfully I won’t have to change all that much as liver and gallbladder health is something I build into all my protocols due to them being a nurture point for me.

I’ll also consider doing a cycle of Ultimate GI Repair to heal any Gut damage caused by this somewhat harsh Myrrh protocol.


After this I’ll get back to alternating between my muscle gain protocol (anabolic phase), to enable my body to better handle these harsh protocols, and detoxification (catabolic phase), for the same reason.  By 2022 I’m aiming to tackle Lyme, Babesia and Bartonella infections in a big way. 

2021 is about laying down the foundations for that (and many other aspects of my life) to be a success.

P.S. How do YOU distinguish between resistance and justification?