How to improve nutrient absorption

Nutrient intake is NOT the same as nutrient absorption

Let’s say you’ve found you’re low in a certain nutrient, whether it be iron, zinc, B12 or any number of others.⁠

You might look into supplements to correct the deficiency.

Or perhaps you’d like to rectify it through foods.

Paleo 1.jpg

What we’re not often told is that how we take foods and eat supplements (or is it the other way around?) can impact nutrient absorption

There are so many factors that impact the absorption of nutrients, too many to list in fact, but let’s delve into a few of them.⁠

Nutrient interactions that prevent absorption

Plants contain a number of phytochemicals and anti-nutrients which can negatively affect digestion of certain nutrients, these include;

  • Goitrogens⁠

  • Phytates⁠

  • Tannins⁠

  • Polyphenols⁠

⁠Polyphenols and Tannins

For example, having a cup of coffee or tea (polyphenols and tannins) with your meal can decrease the amount of zinc, iron and more that you absorb in that meal ☕⁠


Or even consuming raw nuts and seeds (phytates), versus soaked nuts and seeds (less phytates) can have a different impact on how much you absorb

Nutrient interactions that enhance absorption

Vitamin C and Iron

A lot of us have heard of this one, that combining vitamin C and iron-rich foods, can improve the absorption of non-heme iron. 

Heme Iron and Non-heme Iron

Did you also know that consuming heme iron (present in animal foods) alongside non-heme iron increases the overall absorption of non-heme iron?

Wanting to know more about iron?

Not all supplements are created equal

The form of your minerals matter 

Just like your personal trainer wants to make sure you’re lifting with correct form, nutritionists and naturopaths want to make sure you’re taking a bioavailable form of a nutrient (or so I imagine)⁠.

Forms of Magnesium⁠

For example, let’s look at supplemental MAGNESIUM ⁠

We’ve got;⁠

  • Oxide⁠ - very poorly absorbed, though can really help with constipation⁠

  • ⁠Sulphate⁠ - constipation relief + great for baths⁠

  • ⁠Chloride⁠ - topical/sprayable magnesium, absorption not well established⁠

  • Glycinate⁠ - well absorbed⁠. Comes bound to glycine which also assists in calmness

  • ⁠L-Threonate⁠ - Crosses the blood-brain barrier and is especially useful for sleep⁠

And this is still an incomplete list!

When and how to take supplements

Is it best to take our supplements with food or without food?

Firstly, that will depend on the type of supplement you’re taking, as well as the purpose for taking it.

For instance, it’s best to consume fat-soluble nutrients, such as vitamins A, D, E and K alongside meals containing (you guessed it) a source of fats.⁠


However, some other supplements are best to consume away from meals or even just certain foods .  An example of this would be the Peptide BPC-157 (AKA the Wolverine peptide for its incredible regenerative properties for the gut, muscles, tendons, joints, ligaments and more).  The presence of stomach acid from digestion can theoretically break the peptide bond and significantly reduce its effectiveness.

Should I take all my supplements at the same time?

There are some supplements you want to avoid combining altogether⁠

Activated charcoal and other binders like Bentonite Clay are a couple of those supplements that are best to take away from everything as they can inhibit the absorption of nutrients, causing you to sh*t your supplement money down the drain (or toilet, wherever it is you shit)

You can see why working with a health practitioner can certainly come in handy!⁠


How well do you digest?

The importance of the gut

Heard of the saying you are what you eat?

Well, I don’t believe that’s the whole picture, rather, you are what you absorb.


There are many factors that impact what you actually absorb, including;

Stomach acid

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) produced by the parietal cells in our gut begins the breakdown of protein in foods.

Beyond that, we need HCl to activate intrinsic factor, which allows us to absorb B12 from foods.  Low HCl -> Low intrinsic factor -> Low B12 absorption - > Bad times


What reduces stomach acid?

  • Antacid medications like Proton Pump Inhibitors

  • Dehydration

  • Eating while stressed out

  • Age


Looking for a shotgun approach to healing the gut?

Ultimate GI Repair may be the product you’re searching for!

The Nervous system and Digestive function

To ensure optimal digestion, it is imperative that our body is producing the necessary digestive juices as well as secreting them at the correct time. This is where our Autonomic Nervous System comes in handy.


Autonomic nervous system (ANS) & digestion

The ANS is the mac-daddy (or mac-mamma) of your digestion.

When you’re in an overly Sympathetic state (ie stressed) your body prioritizes sending blood to the muscles instead of to the digestive tract.

It’ll also reduce both production and secretion of digestive juices because that ain’t exactly a priority in a potentially life-threatening situation.


Eating in a calm environment, away from your to-do list is one of the best things to do to ensure optimal digestion and nutrient absorption


WHEN you eat impacts digestion

Most of us will be familiar with the sleep hormone melatonin.

Turns out we have melatonin receptors all over the body, not just in our brain

 The pancreas has melatonin receptors

The pancreas is an organ most diabetics are familiar with.  It is responsible for producing a number of enzymes involved in digestion as well as the crucially important hormone insulin, used to regulate our blood sugar.


When melatonin interacts with the receptors on the pancreas, it results in decreased production of insulin.  What this can mean is that if you’re eating too close to bed your cells aren’t going to efficiently take in glucose (carbs) from the bloodstream and turn it into ATP.  Leading to less energy the next day and elevated blood sugar overnight.


What next?

While this post covers a broad range of topics, it is by no means a comprehensive topic on all the factors that affect nutrient absorption.  If you’d like to enhance your digestion, consider contacting me to set up a free 15 minute coaching call to see whether we’re a good fit to work with each other.